RC2014 Micro and RC2014 Micro+


RC2014 Micro

  • Z80 based single board computer
  • 32k RAM with BASIC and SCM
  • 6 pin FTDI compatible header
  • RC2014 Standard Bus
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The RC2014 Micro retro computer kit is the latest kit in the RC2014 lineup. The original RC2014 has been very popular with the homebrew computer crowd, but the modular nature of it does dictate a lot of soldering. There is an inefficient use of logic chips and a relatively large footprint too. The RC2014 Micro requires much less soldering, has fewer ICs and takes up the space of a standard RC2014 module.

Key Features

  • Z80 CPU
  • 8k ROM with Microsoft BASIC and SCM Monitor ROM [1]
  • 32k RAM
  • 7.3728 Mhz
  • 6 pin FTDI compatible header
  • Connect over TTL serial at 115,200bps
  • Standard RC2014 bus for use with many RC2014 compatible modules
  • Compatible with Backplane8 and Backplane5 backplanes
  • Power from FTDI cable

RC2014 Micro vs RC2014 Micro+

In these challenging times of chip shortages, stock of the 27C512 ROM IC as used in the RC2014 Micro has become scarce.  The RC2014 Micro+ uses the 39SF010  (Also compatible with the 39SF020 and 39SF040) instead.  Whilst this is a larger chip both physically and in terms of storage, it is used here in exactly the same way as the 27C512, with the same 8 x 8k images accessible, of which you only need 2 anyway (BASIC or SCM).

Which RC2014 Should I buy?

The RC2014 Micro, RC2014 Mini, the modular RC2014 Classic II and the individual modules will effectively give you the same computer at the end of the day. So, which one is best for you? The RC2014 Micro is designed as a low budget RC2014 Mini, and is aimed towards workshops, clubs and events. Both the Micro and Mini are very easy to build, although the Mini offers a bit more flexibility and the addition of a Pi Header makes adding a Pi Zero as a terminal a much easier option. If flexibility is what you are looking for, then the modular approach, with the Classic II, or Pro is probably the way to go.

For example, if you wish to run at a different clock speed then this can be done simply by changing a module on the Classic. Similarly if you want to expand the amount of RAM. The backplane and individual module approach has worked out better for people that want to design their own computer based loosely around the RC2014 framework, but with a different CPU for example.

If you simply want to build an RC2014 as easily as possible, plug it in and start programming in BASIC or Z80 assembly, then the RC2014 Micro retro computer kit would certainly be an excellent way to go.

Chip sockets, 40 pin expansion connector and 8 bank ROM selector jumpers are not included in the standard kit. These are not required to build and use the RC2014 Micro with BASIC or SCM. However, if you prefer to use sockets, want to expand it or run other images from the ROM, then an upgrade kit is available.

Bulk Purchase

Substantial discounts are available for bulk purchase (Please contact us), with each kit being individually packaged with a short Getting Started guide. If you run workshops, then places can sold with enough profit to cover your time and expense. I will be happy to help promote your workshop if I can.


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