RC2014 Zed Pro


  • Modular Z80 computer kit
  • 512k ROM 512k RAM
  • Runs RomWBW – CP/M and Z-System
  • 12 slot backplane with up to 8 free slots
  • RC2014 Enhanced Bus
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The RC2014 Zed Pro RomWBW Z80 Kit is a modular computer with a 12 slot enhanced bus backplane. It has a Z80 CPU running at 7.3728MHz, 512k ROM, 512k RAM and communicates over serial at 115,200bps via a Zilog SIO/2 UART. It runs Z-System or CP/M 2.2 operating system from ROM and can use either compact flash or IDE hard disc storage. The backplane allows expansion modules such as official RC2014 Modules or a selection of 3rd party “Designed for RC2014″ modules. The design is simple, and the standard 0.1” pitch headers encourages building your own add-ons. The RC2014 Zed consists of the same modules, but supplied with an 8 slot standard bus backplane

The RC2014 Zed Pro consists of the following modules;

Although not strictly required, either the Compact Flash Module or IDE Hard Drive Module [1] are recommended for storage. The Compact Flash Module includes a blank CF card. The IDE Module does not include a hard drive or cable but has 2.54mm and 2mm standard headers.

Assembly of the kit is very straightforward for anyone with basic soldering skills. All components are through-hole, except for the compact flash socket which is pre-soldered. All chips are socketed.

When assembled, the RC2014 Zed Pro boots in to either CP/M 2.2 or Z-System. This can be accessed through an FTDI cable and a terminal program (PuTTY, TeraTerm, Screen, etc) on your PC or laptop. Alternatively, you can use a Pi Zero Serial Terminal to plug in directly to monitor & keyboard.

A DS1302 Real Time Clock Module makes a great addition to this kit. This was developed with RomWBW in mind as Z-System has software to set and read the time as well as timestamp files.

Why Choose RC2014 Zed Pro

RC2014 Zed Pro and RC2014 Zed run RomWBW, which include both an original CP/M 2.2 operating system and also Z-System which is an enhanced CP/M clone that was written specifically for the Z80 (as opposed to 8080 for CP/M) which runs all original CP/M, and adds several useful additions. With 512k RAM and 512k ROM split in to 16k pages, you should never find yourself running out of memory either. To find out more about CP/M 2.2 or Z-System, see the RomWBW documentation on Github

If you are looking for a cheaper, simpler RC2014, take a look at the RC2014 MiniRC2014 Classic IIRC2014 Micro or RC2014 Pro

Each of the modules are available individually if you are upgrading an existing RC2014, or have non-standard requirements. However, for a complete computer kit, buying the RC2014 Zed or RC2014 Zed Pro will work out cheaper.

What is included

The RC2014 Zed Pro RomWBW Z80 Kit includes all PCBs, sockets & headers, ICs, pre-programmed ROM, passive components and USB power lead.

It is assumed that you have your own soldering equipment (basic kit is sufficient), and have at least beginners experience.

You will need to supply your own USB power adapter (500ma or higher) and an FTDI cable connected to your PC/laptop


Note [1] Some photos show the older IDE Disk Drive Module. This has been discontinued and replaced with the RC2014 IDE Hard Drive Module.


Additional information

Weight 400 g
Dimensions 230 × 180 × 20 mm
Include 5v USB CDC Adapter

No thanks, Yes Include 5v USB CDC Adapter


No storage, Compact Flash & 64MB card, IDE Hard Drive Module, Both CF and IDE

DS1302 Real Time Clock Module

No RTC Module, Yes Include RTC Module


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