The Tynemouth Joystick Module and kit of parts to build an RC2014 card with a single 9 way D joystick port, compatible with the Boldfield joystick for the Jupiter Ace. It is suitable for use with RC2014 system, including the Minstrel 4th and Minstrel 4D.
This is a single read only I/O port at an address that can be configured from 0x00 to 0xFF using jumpers. Address 0x01 is recommended for compatibility. This can be read with INP(1) command, or in a , (1) from assembly code.
The value read is the position information from a standard Commodore / Atari style joystick with the usual pinout:
- 1 = Up
- 2 = Down
- 3 = Left
- 4 = Right
- 5 = Fire 3
- 6 = Fire 1
- 7 = 5V
- 8 = GND
- 9 = Fire 2
The value is a sum of all the currently active bits.
- 0x01 = Up
- 0x02 = Down
- 0x04 = Right
- 0x08 = Left
- 0x10 is not used
- 0x20 = Fire 1
- 0x40 = Fire 2 (not on original)
- 0x80 = Fire 3 (not on original)
The Tynemouth Joystick Module is also available as a bare PCB in the Expansion Module PCB listing
The RC2014 Classic II and joystick shown in the photos is for illustration purposes only and not included with this kit.